Sponsored: All You Need To Know About PRP At The CHRC

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Mary O’Donnell of the Cosmetic and Hair Restoration Clinic at the Bon Secours Hospital answers any questions on the PRP treatment available at the clinic…

CHRC at the Bon Secours Hospital Tralee is now offering a hair density treatment for both males and females called PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma).

What is PRP?

PRP involves taking plasma from your blood and injecting the plasma into your scalp to increase hair density. The procedure increases blood supply to the hair follicle and increases the thickness of the hair follicle.

How is the blood injected for the treatment?

The blood is drawn from your arm and placed into a centrifuge which spins rapidly to separate the plasma.

The platelet rich plasma is administered into the scalp via a pneumatic gun to areas that require increased hair growth. The pneumatic gun gives the patient a more comfortable treatment and reduces the pain level.

Does the hair get thicker with PRP?

Yes, the PRP treatment induces new hair regeneration in both male and female pattern hair loss. It also decelerates hair loss in men and women, makes finer hairs thicker while in turn increasing the overall density and strength of the hairs.

How many treatments are needed?

Everyone’s hair growth is different and your initial consultation with our surgeon will give you a better idea of how many treatments you will need.

On average most PRP patients will initially require 3-4 treatments every 4-6 weeks and then maintenance treatment every 6 months.

What is the duration of the treatment?

The PRP treatment itself takes between 20-30 minutes so you can easily have it done on your lunch hour.

For more information on our PRP treatment at our multi-award-winning clinic contact CHRC; chrc@bonsecours.ie or phone- 0860786120


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