Courses At Education Centre Aimed At Parents Of Second Level Students

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TWO courses aimed at parents of second level students are taking place this Saturday at the Education Centre in Dromtacker.

Both courses will be presented by Fidelma Eames Healy. ‘Effective Study Techniques for Best Results: Supporting Your Child Student’ will take place from 1oam to 12 noon.

It’s aimed at assisting parents of second-level students to support their child with study and learning throughout second-level and with an eye on the exams.

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In the afternoon, ‘Matching Personality To Career Choice’ takes place from 1pm to 3pm. As well as parents of second-level students, this is also aimed at guidance counsellors, year heads and TY co-ordinators.

The course looks at ways to assist students to make good course and career choices, with personality being a key determinant in the process. Observations, approaches, tests and real-life testimonies to support the student are shared.

Both courses cost €10 each. For further information call the Education Centre on 066-7195000 or book on their website

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