PHOTOS: Hundreds Attend Lee Strand Social At Ballygarry

At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Marian Hickey, Maria Lenihan, Corina O'Sullivan and Siobhain Lenihan. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Marian Hickey, Maria Lenihan, Corina O’Sullivan and Siobhain Lenihan. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

OVER 300 people attended the Lee Strand Annual Social on Saturday night at the Ballygarry House Hotel in Tralee.

The annual gathering attended by farmers, shareholders, staff and customers of Lee Strand was a wonderful social evening of fine dining, great music and dancing.

On arrival guests were welcomed with a Champagne reception in the Pavilion in Ballygarry, which was followed by a four course dinner in the banqueting hall.

Following dinner everyone danced the night away with well know Kerry band The Neily O’Connor Band, followed by DJ Martin Howard.

Florence and Caitriona McCarthy from Banna East, Ardfert were announced as the winner of Lee Strand Overall Milk Quality Award 2015.

Speaking on the night Donal Pierse, Chairman, Lee Strand congratulated Florence and Caitriona McCarthy as recipients of the Lee Strand Overall Milk Quality Award 2015.

He also congratulated all of Lee Strand’s monthly quality award winners and commended the quality achievements of Lee Strand farmers who month after month provide the highest quality milk in Kerry and beyond.

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At the Lee Strand social were, from left: John Bowler and Katrina Sayers. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: John Bowler and Katrina Sayers. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Mary Savage, Gareth Savage and Margaret Trant. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Mary Savage, Gareth Savage and Margaret Trant. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Emma Culloty and Tommy Culloty. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Emma Culloty and Tommy Culloty. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Doreen Pearse, Katherine Dwyer, Mary Mangan and Esther O'Sullivan. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Doreen Pierse, Katherine Dwyer, Mary Mangan and Esther O’Sullivan. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

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At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Mags Lynch, Pat Lynch, Darren Moynihan and Mairead Nolan. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Mags Lynch, Pat Lynch, Darren Moynihan and Mairead Nolan. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Bridie O'Connor, Bridie Ambrose, Joan Riordan and Teresa Ryan. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Bridie O’Connor, Bridie Ambrose, Joan Riordan and Teresa Ryan. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Margaret Marshall, Michael Marshall, Eileen Marshall, Kevin McGovern, George and Juliette Marshall. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Margaret Marshall, Michael Marshall, Eileen Marshall, Kevin McGovern, George and Juliette Marshall. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Diarmuid Leen, Margaret Leen, Joe Shannon and Mary Shannon. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Diarmuid Leen, Margaret Leen, Joe Shannon and Mary Shannon. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

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At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Liz Mason, Niall Mason, Deirdre Fitzgibbon, Gregory Herve, Sinead Herve, Sheila McQuinn and Thomas McQueen. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Liz Mason, Niall Mason, Deirdre Fitzgibbon, Gregory Herve, Sinead Herve, Sheila McQuinn and Thomas McQueen. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

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At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Kathleen O'Connor, Margaret O'Riordan, Sheila Hanafin and Sheila Fitzgerald. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Kathleen O’Connor, Margaret O’Riordan, Sheila Hanafin and Sheila Fitzgerald. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Oonagh Harrington, Eddie Bowler and Elaine Tierney. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Oonagh Harrington, Eddie Bowler and Elaine Tierney. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Peggy Lawlor, David Lawlor, Martin King and Elaine Cahill. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Peggy Lawlor, David Lawlor, Martin King and Elaine Cahill. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Brian Daly, Niamh Finn and Eoin O'Kelly. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Brian Daly, Niamh Finn and Eoin O’Kelly. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Anne Savage and Fiona O'Connor. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Anne Savage and Fiona O’Connor. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Margaret Quirke, Rick Leonard and Teresa Leonard. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Lee Strand social were, from left: Margaret Quirke, Rick Leonard and Teresa Leonard. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.


St Valentine’s Walk To Raise Funds For Recovery Haven

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Launching the Kerry Camion Recovery Haven fundraiser were Adrienne McLoughlin (Kerry Camino), Eileen Comerford and Maureen O’Brien (Recovery Haven) and Ingrid Boyle (Kerry Camino). Photo by Dermot Crean

PEOPLE are encouraged to get dressed up and loved up for Valentine’s Day for a great cause, as a precursor to the Kerry Camino walk later this summer.

Regular walkers and newcomers to the Kerry Camino are encouraged to take part in a guided walk from Camp to Inch on Sunday,  February 14.

This fundraising walk for Recovery Haven will set off from Mick O’Neill’s pub, The Railway Tavern, Camp Lower, at 10am.

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There will be  collection buckets to accept donations for Recovery Haven from participants from 9.30 a.m. The walk will begin at 10 a.m.  Transport will be provided for anyone needing a lift back from Inch to Camp.

Participants are encouraged to dress in the “Love” theme, as there will be a prize of €50 voucher sponsored by Hilsers Jewellers, Tralee for the Most Romantic Couple, and a prize of a €25 voucher sponsored by The Grand Hotel, Tralee for the Most Romantic Individual.

So, take the walking boots out of winter storage, get the fancy dress props down from the attic, and get “All loved up” walking The Kerry Camino on Sunday 14th February!

The annual 3-day walking weekend of Kerry Camino’s Dingle Way will take place on the May Bank Holiday weekend, Friday, April 29 to Monday, May 2.

This guided walk will follow the route Tralee – Camp – Annascaul – Dingle.  See the website and facebook page for further information on this event.


Roger Harty: Mindfulness


rsz_roger_hartyTHE meaning of the word paradox is an ‘an apparent contradiction’.

Great examples of paradoxes are “I can resist anything but temptation,” Oscar Wilde, “what a pity that youth must be wasted on the young,” George Bernard Shaw, or in culinary terms the expression ‘Jumbo Shrimp’.

I’m suggesting that the word ‘Mindfulness’ is a paradox in itself as the whole essence of practicing mindfulness is to empty our minds of thoughts and not to fill them.

Therefore a more appropriate term would be ‘mindemptyness’. Of course I jest and even my computer is shouting at me that no such word exists.

When we look up the word ‘Mindfulness’ in the dictionary we get a clearer insight into the real meaning of the word and a clearer picture of what it is all about. You will find that Mindfulness is…“The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.”

Even though Mindfulness is currently a huge ‘buzz word’ it has been in use for decades if not centuries and always in the context or awareness.

I even remember as a child (about 40+ years ago!!), if I tripped over a step, my mother would quickly tell me to be ‘Mindful’ and to ‘watch what I was doing’ – in simple language to pay attention and to be aware of what I was doing.

So ‘Awareness’ is the key to unlocking the real meaning of mindfulness. This ‘Awareness’ is not really something that you ‘Do’ in fact it is something that you practice.

For instance you don’t ‘Do’ Tennis – You practice it and then you play. Similarly you don’t ‘Do’ cooking, you practice it and then you can cook. To carry this image on you don’t ‘Do’ Mindfulness, you practice it and then you become ‘Mindful’

The easiest and most popular way of practicing ‘Mindfulness’ is to become aware of the presence of our breath.

One follows the route of one’s breath from the nostrils right down into the stomach area and watches the breath as it is released out again whether it be through the nose or the mouth.

It is best practiced breathing slowly and paying due attention to things like the temperature changes that occur in the air from cold when entering and warm when releasing and also the expansion and contraction of the stomach muscles.

Just like anything else there are many and varied techniques. These come with practice.

This helps us

1. To practice paying attention to minute details

2. To calm everything down within ourselves as we breathe slowly

3. To increase awareness within ourselves and thus more awareness of the world around us.

This is what is commonly known as ‘Becoming aware of the Inner Self’

It is a most rewarding and powerful practice and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is experiencing any form of stress in their lives.

The man who is most credited with bringing the formal practice of Mindfulness into the Western World is a man by the name of Jon Kabat Zinn.

It is basically the practice of meditation and one can practice mindfulness of not just ‘The Breath’ but also of what one ‘Sees, Hears, Tastes, Touches or Smells.

In other words following to the letter the advice of our ancestors i.e. ‘Come to your senses’.

I firstly became aware of this practice when I read a book called ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle and I believe that this book as now sold over 30 Million copies. Now that speaks for itself.

• Next week I am going to write about – The Power of Now 

Weeshie Inducted Into McNamee Awards Hall Of Fame

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Weeshie Fogarty.

RADIO Kerry legend, Weeshie Fogarty was inducted into the McNamee Awards Hall of Fame at a function in Croke Park last night and he wasn’t the only Kerry winner.

The McNamee Awards are held annually to honour excellence in the area of communications, public relations and journalism, specifically related to the activities of the Association.

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The Killarney man played Junior and Senior for Kerry and won Kerry and All Ireland senior football championship medals with East Kerry. He is now, of course, better known as presenter of the Radio Kerry award winning Sports Show Terrace Talk and In Conversation With Weeshie.

He wasn’t the only Kerry winner on the night.

‘North Kerry – A Hurling History’, the publication by Tommy O’Connor from Ardfert, which traces the history of the North Kerry Hurling Board since its inception in 1925, was awarded the GAA McNamee Award for Best GAA Club Publication.

Tommy O’Connor is the Kerry County Librarian since 2006 and has previously written “Ardfert – A Hurling History” and has contributed to several publications in the area of local history, genealogy and games and previously won a McNamee Award in 2003 under the “Best Co. Final Programme” category.

Marie Crowe’s article on Austin Stacks journey in the All-Ireland club championship also won an award on the night.

Emotional Article On Austin Stacks’ Journey Wins McNamee Award

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Darragh Long looks to the heavens after scoring a point in the county final of 2014, a moment written about by Marie Crowe in her award winning article. Photo by Dermot Crean

AN article on the Austin Stacks journey in the All-Ireland Club championship in 2014/15, has won the 2015 National Media Award at the McNamee Awards in Croke Park last night.

Marie Crowe – wife of well-known former Stacks footballer Billy – is a journalist with UTV Ireland and wrote the article for the Sunday Independent back in February 15, 2015.

The beautiful article explores how tragedy came to the Long family and how the club community came together to comfort them as well as the spirit of the Stacks fans and the history of the club.

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The citation for the awards reads; “This article captures the very essence of the GAA in a poignant yet beautiful piece that encompasses untold grief, community spirit and indomitable sporting courage.

The role that the Association can play at grassroots level in times of adversity has long been recognised and in this respect the author paints a vivid picture of the support, comfort and encouragement it has to offer.

The strong focus, too, on how tragedy and triumph can often walk hand in hand is portrayed in a manner that is both sensitive and beguiling.”

The McNamee Awards are held annually to honour excellence in the area of communications, public relations and journalism, specifically related to the activities of the Association.    To read the award winning article, click here

Seven Things You’ll See And Hear During Kerry’s League Campaign

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With Kerry’s Allianz National League campaign underway, it’s great to see the lads back in action and the fans heading to the games. Here’s some things you can expect to see and hear over the coming weeks as spring progresses…

Kerry Cork Replay 31. The old “Yerra, tis only the league” chestnut

Top of the tree, no shifting it, number one comment in the stands, pubs and anywhere else Kerry fans meet after games until April.

Whether we’re relegated or win the damn thing, that familiar utterance will echo from Tarbert to Templenoe.

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2. “He’s wintered well”

Legends who “wintered well” were two Ó Sés, Darragh and Tomás. Either by accident or design, the early rounds tended to be for “blowing out the dirty petrol”. Not as common among players nowadays due to the ever-lengthening club season.

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3. The doom-mongers will be out

“We won’t win an All-Ireland for 10 years!”

A few matches in and with Kerry not trouncing teams, the writing will be on the wall. The Famine Mk 2 has arrived, wake me up when it’s over. Which is swiftly followed by a ten point win the next weekend.

4. The well decked-out fan

With a few nippy days to look forward to, some fans will make full use of their match-going wardrobe and end up looking like the entire Kerry GAA Store exploded on top of them.

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We can see some awful weather during league games.

5. The rain…oh the rain!

Remember the Dublin match last year in Killarney where we had snow, hail and rain all in a 20 minute period? We’re definitely due a soaking this year, judging by the weather we’re having, so layer up.

It’s strength and conditioning training for the matches during the summer though, when the weather is far worse!

6. Young guns go for it

The league is always a good time to blood a few new guys. Brian Ó Beaglaoich and Philip O’Connor got runs last week and you can be sure a few more will get a chance to shine in the next two months. We could see real stars in the making for later in the year.

7. A nice warm-up for the championship

Ah, but it’s great have it back.

Despite the crap weather, the nonsensically pessimistic analysis and the complete lack of indication of how Kerry will fare in the championship, it gives fans food for thought to sustain us through spring before the heady days of summer.

When Celebrating A Kerry Win Clashed With Gunrunning In 1915

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Tralee Battalion, Kerry Brigade, Irish Vol's. on parade at The Market, Tralee, on 14th June 1914.
Tralee Battalion, Kerry Brigade, Irish Vol’s. on parade at The Market, Tralee, on 14th June 1914.

A TRIP to Dublin to watch Kerry in the All-Ireland championship always brings with it a sense of adventure, but some seize the day more than others.

An account by a Kerry IRA volunteer in 1915, tells of how a trip to cheer on Kerry in an All-Ireland championship game was also a cover to run guns by train from the capital to Tralee.

The recollections reveal how a painter from Killarney complicated matters, after ‘making merry’ celebrating Kerry’s win the night before.

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The account was given by a Tadhg Kennedy of Ardrinane, Ardfert to the Bureau of Military History 33 years after the event in 1948. His memory might not have been that great though as he said Kerry won the All-Ireland final in September 1915 which was not the case. Wexford beat Kerry in the final held in November that year. Kerry did play the semi-final in Portlaoise in September of 2015 though.

Anyway, he begins; “September 1915, and I travelled to Dublin on Saturday to see the match. On the Saturday Eamon O’Connor of Ashe St., Tralee, informed me that he, Tadhg Horgan, a painter, of Killarney, and myself were detailed by Mr. Austin Stack to transfer some rifles and boxes of .303 ammunition from Herbert Park, Dublin, to Kingsbridge Stn. on Monday to the special train returning to Tralee.

“We stayed during the weekend at Wynn’s Hotel and on Monday forenoon, Mr. O’Connor informed me that there were three hackney sidecars waiting at the door of the hotel to take us to Herbert Park and I was to take one.”

“Tadhg Horgan had been making merry over Kerry’s win on Sunday and we decided that he was not in a fit condition to undertake his part of the job.”

“We enlisted the services of Jack McGaley, now a Civil Servant, in the County Registrar’s Office at Tralee, instead. And McGaley moved off with his car, Horgan insisted on climbing on to it and he had a green, white and gold flag which he stuck on the car.”

“We proceeded by devious ways to Herbert Park and all three cars met at the rendezvous, I was left in charge of the cars whilst the other three went into the house for the goods.”

“The first car was loaded up and Horgan, having by accident broken a glass door, was assigned the job of staying outside with the cars, whilst I went into the house to assist in loading the other two cars.”

“When we came out again, Horgan had disappeared with the first car. We loaded up the other two cars and drove off, Eamon O’Connor direct to Kingsbridge, whilst Jack McGaley and I called to Wynn’s where we discovered Horgan’s car.”

“McGaley took over this car and we both arrived at Kingsbridge safely and the stuff was put on board the special train going to Tralee.”

So maybe during the commemorations for 1916, along with celebrating those who gave their lives for independence, think of those who combined patriotism and celebrating Kerry victories.

To read his full account click here

PREVIEW: Kerry Need To Win But Don’t Expect A Vintage Performance

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Gavin O’Connor looks forward to Kerry v Roscommon in the Allianz National Football League R2 game in Fitzgerald Stadium, Killarney on Sunday at 2pm…

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Johnny Buckley will partner David Moran in midfield on Sunday. File Photo

THESE two sides paths don’t cross often, but when they do it usually matters.

The 1980 All-Ireland Final will stick on many people’s mind as the ultimate battle between Kerry and Roscommon.

Kerry eventually slogged that one out, but it would take 26 years before the Rossies got some revenge for that defeat when they overcame Kerry in the 2006 All-Ireland Minor Final after a replay.

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Shane Enright, Tommy Walsh, David Moran and Johnny Buckley are four men that lost that minor final. The late Paddy Curtin was also in that side.

The match on Sunday has a less illustrious backdrop, with both sides needing to get off the mark in the league. Last week, a flat Kerry side were outclassed by the Dubs while Roscommon fell to Monaghan with a late Conor McManus goal proving decisive.

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For Roscommon, a trip to Killarney is not the ideal fixture on the rebound, while for a depleted Kerry, it might be seen as a bit of a cushy landing after another Croke Park defeat to Dublin.

This year, the joint management team of Kevin McStay and Liam McHale have brought a bit of a buzz around Roscommon. One of the National League’s surprise packages, they finished top of Division Two led by Killorglin man John Evans.

A promising league campaign was followed by a disastrous championship. Many people had touted the Rossies to test Mayo in Connacht.

But after defeat to an unfancied Sligo they never got the opportunity and eventually exited the qualifiers at the hands of Fermanagh. John Evans went from hero to zero in matter of months and left the post in August.

Last week, mistakes in the end are what cost Roscommon against Monaghan, who are now very much a Division 1 standard outfit. Kerry were pedestrian against Dublin and in the aftermath Eamonn Fitzmaurice was very clear in his disappointment at the performance.

A loss on Sunday will put Kerry in murky waters, so as far as staying up, it’s a must-win match.

On home soil a win is expected, but the way in which Kerry have creaked into action the last few years you’ve got to sense we could have a few sticky moments and a far from a vintage performance is expected.

This early in the year, ‘vintage’ won’t be required.

Verdict – Kerry by 3

Tralee Library To Host Two 1916 Commemoration Lectures

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Kerry 1916 PlanTRALEE Library is running two events in the next fortnight as part of the the 1916 Rising commemorations on Tuesday, February 9 and, Thursday, February 18.

Both events are part of the Kerry Centenary Programme 2016.

The first will be a lecture by historian Pat Murphy on “The Asgard with Arms for 1916”. The Asgard was a yacht which was used to transport arms to the Irish Volunteers in Howth, Dublin.

The next event will be a lecture by Dr. Mary McAuliffe on “The Role of Women in 1916”. Dr. McAuliffe focuses on women in history and the Irish Revolution.

For more information, you can contact the Tralee Library at 066 7121200 or email

You can check out more events on

When Celebrity Big Brother Winner Scotty T Came To Tralee

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Scotty T meets some Tralee ladies in Hennessy’s back in August 2014.

TRALEE people watching Celebrity Big Brother Final on TV3 tonight might recognise the champion from a wild night in town not so long ago.

Scotty T, real name Scott Timlin, of popular TV series ‘Geordie Shore’, won the competition coming out of the house to wild cheering from fans and watched by millions at home.

It was fairly wild too for the MTV show’s star when he spent a night in Tralee back in August 2014.

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Scotty was in town for a youth disco and called to Hennessy’s Bar for a drink.


Ger Hennessy of the Castle Street bar told us at the time that “his manager just said to us if we supply him with free drink he’ll stay for the night.”

“So we put the word out on Facebook that he was in the pub and people, mainly women, started to come down to see him,” he said.

“He was a really cool guy, very down to earth and more than happy to pose for photos all night. People were coming up to him the whole time to take selfies and he was really good with them,” Ger said.

“He’s a real ladies man, the girls were all over him,” said Ger.

“I took Scotty on in a Jager-Bomb competition, I beat him in the first one, but he had me in the next two. He turned to me and said ‘don’t ever take a Geordie on in a drinking game’,” Ger said.

“Him and his manager came in at 10pm and stayed until closing. They actually had no place to stay so I sorted them out with accommodation,” said Ger.

He’ll be an even bigger attraction if he comes back now. Better book a hotel though Scotty.

Deputy Tom Fleming Pulls Out Of Election Race


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Deputy Tom Fleming.

IN what is an election bombshell for the Kerry constituency, sitting Independent TD for Kerry South, Tom Fleming, has announced he is pulling out of the race.

The ex-Fianna Fáil man made the decision based on the conclusion that he was lagging behind in the north Kerry constituency and had not canvassed there yet.

Deputy Feming was elected to the Dail in the 2011 General Election.

Having previously contested general elections in 2002 and 2007 for Fianna Fail, he left the party to run as an Independent when he failed to secure the FF nomination.

He also before having to give up the seat when he was elected to the Dail.

Fellow Kerry deputy Martin Ferris has paid tribute to Deputy Tom Fleming, who also served on Kerry County Council representing the Killarney area from 1985.

Speaking today Deputy Ferris said that he wanted to “pay tribute to a gentleman of the highest order who has worked diligently and honestly, not alone for his South Kerry constituency but for the entire County of Kerry. Tom is someone I have the highest respect for, not only in a professional capacity but in a personal one also. I had the pleasure of working with on both Kerry County Council and in the Dáil and was someone of the highest integrity who always put his constituents first. He will be a huge loss to politics in the county and I would like to wish him all the best in the future in whatever he turns his hand to next.”

Tommy Walsh Named As Full-Forward As Eamonn Rings Changes

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The Kerry team lineup for the national anthem. Photo by Dermot Crean.

THE Kerry team for Sunday sees Tommy Walsh named as full forward while his Strand Road team mates retain their positions in a side which has three changes in personnel from last week’s defeat to Dublin.

The team to play Roscommon in Round 2 of the Allianz League in Fitzgerald Stadium on Sunday sees Brian Kelly takes over from Brendan Kealy in goal, Aidan O’Mahony comes into the half back line for Dr Crokes Fionn Fitzgerald and Jonathan Lyne replaces Philip O’Connor.

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Kerins O’Rahillys Barry John Keane stays in corner forward next to his clubman Tommy Walsh while David Moran will take up his usual midfield position.

Castlegregory’s Alan Fitzgerald is brought into substitutes list as is Barry O’Sullivan from Dingle who won an All Ireland Minor medal with Kerry in 2014.

The team, captained by Killian Young is as follows:

1. Brian Kelly                          Killarney Legion

2. Brian Ó Beaglaoich             An Ghaeltacht

3. Mark Griffin                       St Michaels/Foilmore

4. Shane Enright                     Tarbert

5. Paul Murphy                       Rathmore

6. Aidan O’Mahony                Rathmore

7. Killian Young   (C)             Renard

8. David Moran                       Kerins O’Rahillys

9. Johnny Buckley                  Dr Crokes

10. Jonathan Lyne                   Killarney Legion

11. Darran O’Sullivan             Glenbeigh-Glencar

12. Donnchadh Walsh            Cromane

13. Barry John Keane             Kerins O’Rahillys

14. Tommy Walsh                   Kerins O’Rahillys

15. Stephen O’Brien               Kenmare

Fir Ionaid:

16. Brendan Kealy                  Kilcummin

17. Fionn Fitzgerald                Dr Crokes

18. Philip O’Connor                Cordal

19. Padraig O’Connor             Killarney Legion

20. Pa Kilkenny                      Glenbeigh/Glencar

21. Alan Fitzgerald                 Castlegregory

22. Brendan O’Sullivan          Valentia

23. Gavin O’Grady                 Glenbeigh-Glencar

24. Conor Cox                        Listowel Emmets

25. Tom O’Sullivan                 Dingle

26. Barry O’Sullivan               Dingle

Bainisteóir: Eamonn Fitzmaurice (Finuge)

Róghnóirí: Diarmuid Murphy (Dingle), Mikey Sheehy (Austin Stacks),  Padraig Corcoran (Dingle), Liam Hassett (Laune Rangers).

Tidy Tralee Group Hoping For Good Turnout At AGM

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The Tidy Tralee Together group meet for their AGM on Tuesday, no doubt with the aim of keeping the town looking good.

THE Tidy Tralee Together group are holding their AGM on Tuesday next in the Fels Point Hotel at 8pm.

Having enjoyed great success in recent years, the group will be hoping to retain Tralee Gold Medal in the Tidy Towns and kick on for next year’s competition.

They have done sterling work for the town and deserve the support and thanks of all citizens.

The group is asking if anyone is interested in an officer’s position to forward nominations to before Tuesday, February at 12noon.

All are welcome to attend.

Visually-Impaired Tralee Woman Left Waiting At Traffic Lights Due To Fault

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Sabrina McKiernan with her seeing-eye-dog, Basel.
Sabrina McKiernan with her guide dog, Basil.

A VISUALLY impaired Tralee woman is regularly left standing at a crossing in town, sometimes for up to ten minutes, because the audible function at the traffic lights has been inactive for the past five months.

Sabrina McKiernan, from the Mitchels area, must wait at the crossing on Castle Street, outside the entrance to St John’s Church, for a member of the public to come along and help her to the other side of the road.

“Sometimes I have to approach someone to help me cross, but people in Tralee are good so a lot of them will have the common sense to know I need to cross the road,” said Sabrina, who is well known as a singer, with two CDs released.

With her faithful guide dog, Basil, by her side – Sabrina attends mass at St John’s and on occasion sings during the service.

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The crossing at Castle Street is a well-trodden path for her, but she has also experienced difficulties with the audible function at other crossings in town too.

Sabrina is now restricted with the times she can use the crossing. If she uses it early in the morning she says she could be standing for up to half an hour, because no-one is around.

While Sabrina did not contact Kerry County Council directly, she has brought the issue up with the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind, the National Council for the Blind and a local county councillor.

When we contacted Kerry County Council for an update on the matter, we were informed the problem was that a button had to be replaced on the mechanism on the traffic light outside Benner’s Hotel.

That button function – which had been vandalised – has already been ordered and it’s expected the audio function will be fixed very soon.

The audio signal on the traffic lights outside the former Albany Paints store, across from St John’s, had been fixed in early December after the Council was notified of the problem by the National Council for the Blind.

Known for her singing voice around town, Sabrina has released two CD’s of music that are also available on iTunes.  Down the years she has performed with Mary Black, Davey Arthur and the late Christy Hennessy.

Along with performing in St John’s, the Mitchels Road native is available for weddings where she says the feedback has been “amazing”.

“I’m hoping I can get in and do more weddings, I know it’s a difficult area but maybe people might be looking for something different,” said Sabrina.

Her faith is important so singing in church is something very special “It’s prayer in song, definitely. It enhances the service as well. I try and bring relevance with the songs and hymns I chose”

If you are interested in booking Sabrina for a wedding or a function you can contact her HERE

Two Tralee Women To Start For Ireland Against Wales Tomorrow

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Ruth O’Reilly and Zoe Grattage from Tralee play against Wales tomorrow.

TWO Tralee women will start for Ireland in their Six Nations game against Wales tomorrow in Donnybrook.

Tralee RFC’s Zoe Grattage and Galwegians Ruth O’Reilly, a native of Ballyroe, will take to the field for the opening clash of the tournament in Donnybrook at 1pm.

Hooker Zoe Grattage will win her first cap on Saturday, with her Tralee and Munster team-mate, flanker Ciara Griffin, hoping to make her Ireland debut from the bench.

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Let’s hope we see all three Tralee players in action tomorrow. You can watch the match on live stream on or listen on RTÉ Radio 1 Extra.

In other rugby news, there is no place on the bench for Tralee man Ultan Dillane for the men’s Six Nations opener against the Welsh at 3pm on Sunday. He’ll have to wait his chance another day. That’ll come too…


IRELAND WOMEN: Niamh Briggs (UL Bohemians/Munster) (capt); Elise O’Byrne White (Old Belvedere/Leinster), Aine Donnelly (Cill Dara/Leinster), Sene Naoupu (Galwegians/Connacht), Mairead Coyne (Galwegians/Connacht); Nikki Caughey (Railway Union/Ulster), Larissa Muldoon (Skewen); Ailis Egan (Old Belvedere/Leinster), Zoe Grattage (Tralee/Munster), Ruth O’Reilly (Galwegians/Connacht), Sophie Spence (Old Belvedere/Leinster), Marie Louise Reilly (Old Belvedere/Leinster), Paula Fitzpatrick (Toulouse), Claire Molloy (Bristol), Heather O’Brien (Toulouse).

Replacements: Cliodhna Moloney (Railway Union/Leinster), Lindsay Peat (Railway Union/Leinster), Fiona Reidy (UL Bohemians/Munster), Ciara Cooney (Railway Union/Leinster), Ciara Griffin (Tralee/Munster), Mary Healy (Galwegians/Connacht), Nora Stapleton (Old Belvedere/Leinster), Jackie Shiels (Richmond).

Dogs Deposit A Lot Of Poop On ‘The Fat Mile’

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Presentation Secondary School students at the launch of the project back in January.
Presentation Secondary School students at the launch of the project back in January.

CAHERSLEE and the Bracker O’Regan Road, or The Fat Mile, are problem areas for dog waste according to a survey by local students.

On Friday, January 29, a Transition Year Science class from Presentation, Tralee, continued their mission to tackle the issue of dog waste in Tralee.

The group, which call themselves “If Your Dog Poops, You Scoop” hope their efforts inform the public how much of a problem dog fouling can be.

The project is the group’s entry into the Eco Unesco’s “Young Environmentalists Awards” and it consisted of them splitting into three groups and counting the piles of dog waste they could see in six different locations. Each time they found a pile, they circled it with spray-paint for members of the public to see.

The results of the groups findings in the different locations around town were:

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One side of The Fat Mile –  125 piles

Caherslee – 102 piles

The Canal – 64 piles

Skinny Mile – 42 piles

Strand Road – 17 piles

Lee Valley Walkway – 16 piles.

Ciara Sookarry, a member of the group, spoke about the project “even though we are working with the council on this issue, we urge members of the public to help us make Tralee dog waste free. The issue with dog waste also has terrible effects on people in manual wheelchairs, who may have to roll through it and get it on their hands.”

The group would like to inform people that any bag can be used to pick up the waste and it can be put into any bin. This is also not the first action the group have taken to tackle the issue. On Friday,  January 22, the group were in Tralee town doing surveys to get more information on the topic.

If you would like to keep up with the group, you can follow them on Facebook – “If Your Dog Poops, You Scoop” and Twitter – @traleepoop.

Challenge Match Forces Kerry Hurling All-Stars Event To Be Moved To Sunday Night

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Dara Shanahan (Young Hurler of The Year), Declan Lovett, Tom Murnane (Player of The Year), at last year’s Kerry Hurling All-Stars event.

A CHALLENGE match, organised for the Kerry senior hurlers in Limerick,  has forced the Kerry Hurling All Stars event scheduled for Saturday in The Abbey Tavern, Ardfert, to be moved to this Sunday night.

Other arrangements remain in place with a pre-awards reception at 7.30pm. Andrew Morrissey of Radio Kerry – a huge hurling enthusiast – will  speak on the night.

The concept of The Kerry Hurling All Stars was the idea of Mike O’Halloran and is now in its third year.

Mike and Timmy Sheehan have put the package together since the beginning and the event is funded by the hurling clubs of North Kerry, along with Finbar Canty of The Blasket Traleee and Garveys SuperValu.

The nominees are chosen from players who played in the county championship and no other competition.

There was huge enthusiasm for the Garveys SuperValu sponsored championship this year as it was played in North Kerry.

There is always great debate on the decision of the judges. Who will be player of the year, who will be young player of the year?

The fashion from the ladies present for the past two years at the event has been from amazing and again this year there is a prize for the best dressed lady.

The awards ceremony is for invited guests but everyone is invited to join them after in the bar from 9.15pm onwards.

Kerry Hurling All Stars  2015 Nominees.

1. John Mike Pierce, Aiden McCabe, Martin Stackpoole

2. Sean Murnane, Jason Casey, Cathal Kearney.

3. Trevor McKenna, Sean Dowling, Aiden Healy.

4. Rory Horgan, Mike Hannafin, Tom Cronin.

5. Flor McCarthy, Stephen Leen, Brendan Brosnan.

6. Dougie Fitzell, Daragh Shanahan, Sean Weir.

7. Stephen Power, Tom Murnane, Kevin Orpen.

8/9. Fionan Horgan, James Godley, John Griffin, Darren Dineen, Daniel Collins, Fionan MacKessy.

10. David Griffin, Philip Lucid, Shane Conway.

11. Adrian Royle, Michael O Leary, Kevin Skinner

12. Eric Leen, P J Keane, Bobby O’Sullivan.

13. Shane Nolan, Colin Sheehy, Paul McGrath.

14. Gary O Brien, Michael Conway, Jordan Conway.

15. James Flaherty, John Egan, Colum Harty.

Enable Ireland Looks For Volunteers To Dance At ‘Strictly’ Event

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Catherine Healy, Sean Scally and Beata Jaworowska of Enable Ireland Kerry, at their Tralee base, promoting the search for dancers for their Strictly Come Dancing event in May. Photo by Dermot Crean

IT’S time to slip on your dancing shoes and sign up for the Enable Ireland Kerry’s Strictly Come Dancing Fundraiser.

The charity will be holding the event at the Brandon Hotel on Friday, May 13 and they are looking for dancers to take part, regardless of their ability.

Over the course of eight weeks you can learn Salsa, Cha Cha, Jive and much more. Dancers will then engage in a battle of sequins, suits and styles, in an attempt to be crowned champion of Enable Ireland Kerry’s Strictly Come Dancing.

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“We did the Ring of Kerry Cycle last year and received significant donations, but this year we wanted to do something different,” said Sean Scally of Enable Ireland. “We have a few smaller events coming up like a family fun  day at the Wetlands and a climb in May, but I did a Strictly event in Dublin last year and it was really good. The participants really enjoy it. You make friends and the thrill of dancing even for those three minutes is great.”

“We’re not looking for expert dancers, anybody can volunteer for the fun,” he said.

Strictly Come Dancing Charity events have become very popular and successful over the last few years and gives those supporting the event a good night’s entertainment.

Dance classes will begin on March 10, 2016, so if you want to take part and require more information, contact Sean Scally at Enable Ireland Kerry 066718220/0877609768 or email

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PHOTOS: Grandparents Come To Moyderwell School For Special Day

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At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Saoirse, Norah and Cliodhna O'Connor. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Saoirse, Norah and Cliodhna O’Connor. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

IT was an extra special day in Moyderwell on Thursday as grandparents got a chance to go back to school.

The return was prompted by Grandparents Day as part of Catholic Schools Week. The initiative encourages schools to invite grandparents of their pupils to come in to national schools to visit their grandchildren.

Along with grandparents, staff and pupils of 1st, 3rd and 5th class gathered in the schools gym at 11:15am for a Mass which was followed by poems the children read out and a song they all joined in on.

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At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Eoin Moriarty, Mary Anne Griffin and Peggy Flahive. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Eoin Moriarty, Mary Anne Griffin and Peggy Flahive. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Aoife Hartnett, Sean and Eileen Lynch and Donnachadh Hartnett. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Aoife Hartnett, Sean and Eileen Lynch and Donnachadh Hartnett. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Jamie, Brian, Kadie and Maureen Williams. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Jamie, Brian, Kadie and Maureen Williams. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Billy Nolan, Adam Luinn and Margaret Nolan. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Billy Nolan, Adam Luinn and Margaret Nolan. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Deborah Leen, Thomas and Caroline Brolly. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Deborah Leen, Thomas and Caroline Brolly. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Michael Rowe, Nathan Sharma, Eileen McMahon, Eva and Gia Sharma. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Moyderwell National School were, from left: Michael Rowe, Nathan Sharma, Eileen McMahon, Eva and Gia Sharma. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
Grandparents, Staff and pupils taking part in a special mass for the Moyderwell National School Grandparents Day. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
Grandparents, Staff and pupils taking part in a special mass for the Moyderwell National School Grandparents Day. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

VIDEO: David Moran’s Got Bling In Dubsmash Challenge

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A screenshot of David Moran’s Dubsmash effort.

NONE of this craic on Sunday now young man!

The Allianz League issued a Dubsmash challenge to some footballers recently and Kerry’s David Moran looked happy to impart his impeccable lip-syncing skills to Drake’s ‘Hotline Bling’.

For the few of you who don’t know what Dubsmash is, it’s a video messaging app where users can choose an audio recording or soundbite from movies, shows, music, and internet trends and record a video of themselves dubbing over that piece of audio.

There, now ya know. Anywhere here’s the Kerry midfielder’s take on the Canadian artist’s hit. Nice eyebrow action towards the end David…(scroll down)

Here’s How Many Times The Lotto Has Been Won In Kerry Since It Began

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Irish National Lottery
Irish National Lottery

IT turns out that Kerry people are luckier than some and not as lucky as others when it comes to winning the National Lottery Lotto jackpot.

The National Lottery have released a county by county breakdown of how many times the lottery jackpot has been won in each of the 26 counties since it began 30 years ago.

Kerry is in the bottom half of the table with 36 wins. The most is, unsurprisingly, Dublin (565), followed by Cork (172) and Galway with (92).

Comparing our tally with counties of similar population like Donegal (87) and Tipperary (50), it appears we’re coming out a bit short on winners, with less populous counties like Clare and Waterford also above us.

I suppose we’re lucky enough to live in Kerry without having to do the lotto all the time!

Lottery jackpot victories by county…

1. Dublin 565
2. Cork 172
3. Galway 92
4. Donegal 87
5. Louth 75
6. Kildare 69
7. Mayo 58
8. Limerick 57
9. Meath 54
10. Wicklow 54
11. Tippeary 50
12. Wexford 45
13. Clare 40
14. Waterford 39
15. Kerry 36
16. Westmeath 30
17. Cavan 26
18. Kilkenny 24
19. Carlow 22
20. Monaghan 22
21. Sligo 22
22. Offaly 19
23. Roscommon 19
24. Longford 13
25. Laois 13
26. Leitrim 7

PHOTOS: The Green Took On Cork Opposition In The Frewen Cup On Wednesday

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Action from the Frewen Cup match between CBS The Green and De La Salle Macroom. Photo by Adrienne McLoughlin.
Action from the Frewen Cup match between CBS The Green and De La Salle Macroom. Photo by Adrienne McLoughlin.

De La Salle Macroom 1-18 

CBS The Green 0-16

The Green were sent out of the Frewen Cup on Wednesday afternoon in Lewis Road, Killarney.

The Tralee side trailed by 3 points at half-time (0-8 to 0-11), their game improved in the second half which at one stage bright the sides level.

But a penalty converted by Macroom gave the Cork team the edge to drive on and finish stronger to win by five points.

Referee: Eddie Walsh

The semi-final pairings are…

1. De La Salle Macroom vs St. Flannan’s Ennis
2. St. Brendans Killarney vs Colaiste Chriost Ri.

Tralee CBS team: David Oba, Darragh O'Donoghue, Josh O'Keeffe, Brian Murphy, Conor Corrigan, Austin Clifford, Sean Hamilton, Kevin Williams, Sean Quilter, Michael Hoare, Michael Kelliher, John Walsh, Michael Scanlon, Darragh O'Regan, Aaron Roche, Shane Kelliher, Jason Mortimer, Jack Myers, Eoin Barden, Daniel Goggin, Joseph Looby Lugandu, Ciaran Murray.
Tralee CBS team: David Oba, Darragh O’Donoghue, Josh O’Keeffe, Brian Murphy, Conor Corrigan, Austin Clifford, Sean Hamilton, Kevin Williams, Sean Quilter, Michael Hoare, Michael Kelliher, John Walsh, Michael Scanlon, Darragh O’Regan, Aaron Roche, Shane Kelliher, Jason Mortimer, Jack Myers, Eoin Barden, Daniel Goggin, Joseph Looby Lugandu, Ciaran Murray. Photo by Adrienne McLoughlin
Action from the Frewen Cup match between CBS The Green and De La Salle Macroom. Photo by Adrienne McLoughlin.
Action from the Frewen Cup match between CBS The Green and De La Salle Macroom. Photo by Adrienne McLoughlin.
Action from the Frewen Cup match between CBS The Green and De La Salle Macroom. Photo by Adrienne McLoughlin.
Action from the Frewen Cup match between CBS The Green and De La Salle Macroom. Photo by Adrienne McLoughlin.

New Jobs Created As UK Clothing Chain To Open Store In Town Tomorrow

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The new Mountain Warehouse store on Abbeycourt which will open tomorrow.

A UK CLOTHING chain is to open a new store on Abbeycourt this Friday.

A number of new jobs will be created at Mountain Warehouse – the UK-based discount outdoor clothing seller which has branches in Dublin, Wexford, Banbridge and Antrim – when opens next to Holland & Barrett on Friday afternoon.

The retailer sells own-brand discount outdoor equipment and clothing, such as waterproof jackets and walking boots, which the company manufactures in Asia.

The group employs more than 1,500 people in 228 stores in the UK, Ireland and Europe.

Last April it was reported that the Peacocks clothing chain from the UK were to create between 10 to 15 full and part time jobs at the same location in Abbeycourt, but that did not come to pass.


Kerry GAA Sides’ All-Ireland Finals To Be Screened Live By Irish TV This Saturday

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Bryan Sheehan sends in a thunderous effort. Photo by Dermot Crean.
Bryan Sheehan (seen in action for his county here) will be a vital man for his club St Mary’s this Saturday in the All-Ireland Intermediate Club Final.

FOR the first time, viewers will be able to see live coverage of the All-Ireland Junior and Intermediate Club football and hurling finals in Croke Park.

There is great Kerry interest on Saturday as St Mary’s of Cahersiveen and Templenoe are both in action.

Ardnaree Sarsfields from Mayo take on Kerry and Munster champions Templenoe in the Junior Football Final at 3.00pm on Saturday with Hollymount-Carramore and St. Mary’s from Caherciveen going head-to-head in the Intermediate club decider that same afternoon at 4.45pm at Croke Park.

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On Sunday afternoon at GAA headquarters, IRISH TV will be broadcasting the Junior and Intermediate Hurling Finals live for the first time on the channel.  Glenmore GAA Club from Kilkenny face Eoghan Rua from Derry in the Junior Final at 2.00pm with Galway champions Abbeyknockmoy taking on Bennettsbridge in the Intermediate final in Croke Park at 3.45pm.

The live broadcasts this weekend in association with FEXCO on IRISH TV will include full live commentary, in-depth analysis from former Kerry legend Jack O’Shea and well known reporter Murt Murphy and all the action and drama from this prestigious club finals weekend at Croke Park.

Irish TV can be viewed on Sky channel 191, all Free to Air boxes, Freesat 400, Eircom’s eVision 191 and online at

Motorists Advised To Take Care As Ivy Terrace Traffic Lights Still Out

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One of the many signs in Ivy Terrace warning motorists that traffic lights are switched off. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
One of the many signs in Ivy Terrace warning motorists that traffic lights are switched off. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

MANY of you will have noticed that the traffic lights on Ivy Terrace/Princes Street have been out of operation since Tuesday and cars have been forced to take caution pulling out.

This is due to a cable fault at the traffic lights and as of 12 noon on Thursday the lights were still out. spoke to Colm Lynch of Kerry County Council Operations Department about the issue. “There’s a cable fault down there and we don’t know exactly where it is,” said Mr Lynch.

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“The lights are old and the cabling is over 30 years old, so there is a difficulty in finding the fault. Electricians will be working away in the morning [Thursday]. The recommendation at the moment is that we put in a totally new set of lights there. But that’s a huge undertaking and a long undertaking as well. So we’re hoping to get them working even short term and go away and seek funding for a total replacement.”

Until it’s sorted out, motorists should take care at the junction.

Boxing Club Expects A Sell-Out For Katie Taylor Fight

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Launching the Katie Taylor fight against Queen Underwood due to take place in the Brandon Hotel were, from left, in front: Ben Hickey and Sean Og Murphy. Back: Seamus Smith, Brian O'Sullivan, John Drummy, Jeery Dwyer, Tommy Kelliher, Deirdre Fitzgibbon, Pat O'Shea, Con O'Shea, Julianne Fitzgerald, Noel Kelliher, Donie Jack Griffin, Debbie O'Halloran and John Hickey. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
(click on photo to enlarge) Launching the Katie Taylor fight against Queen Underwood due to take place in the Brandon Hotel on February 20 were, from left, in front: Ben Hickey and Sean Og Murphy. Back: Brian O’Sullivan, Seamus Smith, John Drummey, Jerry Dwyer, Tommy Kelliher, Deirdre Fitzgibbon, Pat O’Shea, Con O’Shea, Julianne Fitzgerald, Noel Kelliher, Donie Jack Griffin, Debbie O’Halloran and John Hickey. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

TICKETS for Katie Taylor’s upcoming bout against Queen Underwood on Saturday, February 20,  are now on sale and at the launch of the event on Tuesday evening, organisers said they are expecting a huge crowd.

Brian O’Sullivan of Tralee Boxing Club said: “Queen Underwood was in the Olympics in 2012 and there was a great rivalry between the two. She’s taking it very serious. We’re expecting a huge crowd and it’s great for Kerry Boxing bringing two superstars like this to Tralee.”

Tommy Kelliher, also from Tralee Boxing Club, talked about securing the fight: “There was a little bit of work but thank God everything came out all right. We spoke to our promoter and we were in the right place at the right time.”

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“She’s a 17 time gold Medallist with Olympic, World, European and Irish titles and at the peak of her career and we’re absolutely delighted to get her here. She’s a role model for kids of today and that’s why we’re so happy to get her to Tralee.”

The tickets can be purchased at the Tralee Boxing Club from 5:30 – 8pm at their gym in Monavalley Industrial Estate on Wednesday and Friday and will also be made available to purchase from  Brynes’ Spar in Oakpark, Cahersleee and Monavalley from Thursday onwards.

Tickets are €30 for limited ringside seating, while Adult tickets are €20 and Children under 14 are €10.

Doors open at 6:30 and the first bout will be at 7:30. The under-card will consist of fighters from the club’s Munster representatives and also from clubs around Kerry.


Limited tickets are available so it is advised to go out and buy them from Thursday in case they sell out.

PHOTOS: Caherleaheen School Celebrates Grandparents Day

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At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: Will Leahy, Zara Krno and Helena Leahy. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: Will Leahy, Zara Krno and Helena Leahy. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

THERE was great hustle and bustle in Caherleaheen National School on Wednesday as grandparents got a chance to come and visit their grandchildren at school.

Grandparents Day is celebrated as part of Catholic Schools Week where the older generation are invited to the school.

Their main hall was split in two so that that grandchildren could take turns asking the grandparents questions about what it was like for them growing up and going to school.

Catholic Schools Week is an all-Ireland annual event which invites Catholic schools to give expression in a special way to the ethos of Catholic education.  It is a celebration of Catholic schools throughout Ireland, North and South.

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At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: Saoirse and Rian Moynihan. Back: Margaret Culloty Mike Culloty. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: Saoirse and Rian Moynihan. Back: Margaret Culloty and Mike Culloty. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: Mary, Adele, Melvin and Jessica Hanlon. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: Mary, Adele, Melvin and Jessica Hanlon. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: James, Jade and Jennifer Doyle. Back: Kathleen Doyle. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: James, Jade and Jennifer Doyle. Back: Kathleen Doyle. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left, front: Sarah, Elizabeth and Jenny Slattery. Back: Betty and David Slattery. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left, front: Sarah, Elizabeth and Jenny Slattery. Back: Betty and David Slattery. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: Jack O'Dononghue, Sophie O'Donoghue and Lucy O'Donoghue. Back: Treasa Rice. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: Jack O’Dononghue, Sophie O’Donoghue and Lucy O’Donoghue. Back: Treasa Rice. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left, front: Scott Morrison, Jamie Morrison and Adam Morrision. Bridie O'Connor, Willie O'Connor and Louise Morrison. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left, front: Scott Morrison, Jamie Morrison and Adam Morrision. Bridie O’Connor, Willie O’Connor and Louise Morrison. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: Denis O'Reagan, Holly O'Regan and Josh Horan. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left: Denis O’Regan, Holly O’Regan and Josh Hoare. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
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At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left, front: Eva Sugrue, Cait Kirby, Caoimhe Sugrue, Amber Sugrue. Back: Kay Kirby and Vera Sugrue. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At Grandparents Day in Caherleaheen National School were, from left, front: Eva Sugrue, Cait Kirby, Caoimhe Sugrue, Amber Sugrue. Back: Kay Kirby and Vera Sugrue. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.
At the Caherline Grandparents Day were, from left: Jack O'Shea and Eileen O'Shea. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Caherleaheen NS Grandparents Day were, from left: Jack O’Shea and Eileen O’Shea. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

Council Asks Parties To Refrain From Putting Election Posters On Road Signs

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Kerry County Council logoKERRY County Council is asking candidates and political parties to refrain from placing posters for the general election on road traffic signs or poles as well as overhead bridges.

Posters should not obstruct sight lines for motorists and the view of motorists or present a traffic hazard.

Kerry County Council also wishes to advise that people who are eligible to vote in the general election but are not registered as electors still have time to apply for entry in the supplement to the register of electors to be published before polling day.

The closing date for inclusion in the supplement to the Register of Electors is Tuesday, 9 February at 5pm and the closing date for the postal/special voters list is Friday, 5 February at 5pm.

To be eligible for inclusion in the supplement, a person must be 18 years of age or over on or before polling day and must be ordinarily resident in the State. For inclusion in the supplement to the register, a person must complete the relevant application form, which can be downloaded or can be obtained from Kerry County Council.

An application for inclusion in the supplement to the register must be signed by the applicant in the presence of a member of An Garda Síochána from the applicant’s local Garda station who must first be satisfied as to the person’s identity before signing, dating and stamping the form.

If a person is eligible to vote by post, or is unable to vote in person due to a physical illness or physical disability and is resident in a hospital, nursing home or similar institution, and they are not on the Postal Voters List or Special Voters List, as appropriate, they can apply for inclusion in the relevant list.

More information is available from the Kerry County Council Franchise Section on 066 7183530 or free-phone 1800 245380.

IT Tralee TUI Staff Strike Over Government Cuts

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IT Tralee lecturers and staff on the picket line at the South Campus. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
IT Tralee lecturers and staff on the picket line at the South Campus. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

CLASSES faced disruption today at IT Tralee because of a nationwide strike by lecturers and researchers in opposition to government cuts.

The Teachers Union of Ireland (TUI) feel they have been forced to strike because of austerity measures imposed by the Department of Education over the last number of years. spoke to IT Tralee – TUI Branch Secretary, Anne Marie Courtney on the picket line about how cuts have effected the college.

Ms Courtney told us that, along with a drop in the amount of lecturers teaching in both campuses, she thinks the facilities themselves are beginning to feel the effect of cuts.

“Our budget (IT Tralee) going back a number of years ago was €30 million, it’s now down to €15 million. So, these are pretty dramatic budget cuts for us.”

“What we’ve seen as well is, we’ve lost a lot of members due to retirement. The result is, much bigger class sizes. We all prided ourselves on having contact with our students but class sizes are getting bigger and bigger because there is less of us to go around,” she added.

“We see problems on the ground as well with our part-time lecturers getting as low as three hours a week. A person can’t sustain themselves on a three hour a week contract, that’s akin to a zero hours contract.”

“The place [south campus] is also looking worse for wear and not being refurbished. Just an awful lot of decay in the place,” said Ms Courtney.

Plans are in place for a merge of Cork IT and IT Tralee to form a Technological University. The merger has met opposition in some quarters not least from TUI members.

“It’s a completely separate issue to what’s happening today. But there seems to be this notion that you can just put a sign over the door that says ‘technological university’ and all will be well in the world. Basically the HEA (Higher Education Authority) are expecting this merger to go ahead on a shoestring. We have so many infrastructural problems that need to be addressed before you go forward into a technological university,” said Ms Courtney.

IT Tralee lecturers and staff on the picket line at the South Campus. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
IT Tralee lecturers and staff on the picket line at the South Campus. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.



Students From Tralee Schools Hear From Cuan Mhuire Team About Addiction

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At the Chuile Mhuire talk for secondary school students were from left: Meabh Ni Ciomhagain, Siun Ni Mhuircheartaigh, Catherine McKenne (Cuan Mhuire), Michael Kelliher, Conor Murphy, Mary Fitzpatrick and Ciara Supple. Photo by Gavin O'Connor.
At the Chuile Mhuire talk for secondary school students were from left: Meabh Ni Ciomhagain, Siun Ni Mhuircheartaigh, Catherine McKenna (Cuan Mhuire), Michael Kelliher, Conor Murphy, Mary Fitzpatrick and Ciara Supple. Photo by Gavin O’Connor.

AS part of their Catholic Schools week programme of events, students from Presentation Secondary School Tralee invited representatives from Cuan Mhuire to meet with Transition Year students from each of the local secondary schools.

On Wednesday morning, February 3, the Cuan Mhuire team consisting of an addiction counsellor and three clients addressed the students in St John’s Parish Centre Tralee. In thought-provoking and often moving contributions, each speaker shared their personal experience of addiction.

The Cuan Mhuire organisation is Ireland’s largest voluntary provider of Rehabilitation Treatment for individuals suffering from addiction and other related issues.

Since its formation in 1966 Cuan Mhuire has treated over 75,000 people.  Its main objective is the rehabilitation of persons suffering from alcohol, drug and gambling addictions.

At any one time Cuan Mhuire has 600 people in treatment through their nationwide centres in Bruree, Co. Limerick; Farnanes, Co. Cork; Athy, Co. Kildare; Coolarne, Co. Galway and Newry, Co. Down.

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