Profits And Passenger Numbers Increase At Kerry Airport In 2023

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KERRY Airport has released the Annual Report & Accounts for the 12-month period ended 31st December 2023 reporting an Operating Profit after Taxation for the period of €1,198,347 as compared to an after Taxation Operating Profit of €1,061,416 in the previous year.

Passenger numbers for 2023 finished at 419,281 which represents a 17.7% year on year increase on 2022.

Commenting on the financials and the on-going operations of the Airport for the year, John Mulhern, CEO of Kerry Airport, said:“We are ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’; those that believed that Kerry could have a successful airport and empowered that belief to reality.”


“They will rejoice at the news that our airport has exceeded 400,000 annual passengers for the second time in its history. Success our predecessors believed possible and with the support of our shareholders, who contributed selflessly, helped come to pass.

“Gross Revenue in 2023 reflects the excellent passenger numbers from a low in 2020 of 82,959 to our second highest ever total of 419,281 in 2023 and a growing general/private aviation sector. That’s a 17.7% year on year increase. New routes to Brittany proved very successful and will continue this year with the addition of Caen in Normandy and a no change onward flight down to the Pyrenees from Brest.”

Kerry Airport operated satisfactorily throughout 2023, meeting and exceeding Safety and Security Protocols.

Later this year, work will commence on the construction of a new Arrivals Hall and an extension of the Departure Area to include a third Departure Gate, significantly more seating, plus another option for dining and refreshments.

The commitment to transition to a greener operation at Kerry Airport is proceeding with fervour with gratitude to the Government for supporting the long-term strategy. The Airport is becoming a more resilient and sustainable hub for connectivity in Kerry.

John Mulhern thanked the Chairperson, Mr. Denis Cregan, and the Board of Directors, for their continued selfless support and direction, and the elected representatives in Kerry and the Department of Transport for their unwavering support throughout the year.

He also conveyed huge praise and thanks to the management and staff of Kerry Airport who continue to exemplify a culture of safety and excellent customer service.



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