Roger Harty: A Wise Man

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IT was many years ago in St Brendans College in Killarney that Fr Horgan asked the class if they could define a wise man.

The class went silent and were mystified waiting for an answer when Fr Horgan spoke up; “a wise man is a man who knows that he does not know”.

That was over 40 years ago now when I heard it first and it still sticks in my mind to this present day. I find this saying to be very appropriate right now.

With regard to the Coronavirus, I believe our government are taking a very prudent approach. It has been said on many occasions that this is a new virulent type of disease and that they do not know the answers.

Not knowing is the right approach. When you know that you don’t know, you can still observe and take the necessary precautions.

• You can pay attention to self hygiene
• You can keep social distance
• You can study the characteristics of the disease and how it spreads
• You can close unnecessary business dealings ‘til the danger passes
• You can pay attention to statistics especially what they call the curve
• You can observe and learn from other countries, both those who are failing and those you are successful
• You can apply all of the above and return to a new normality in phased stages

All of this can be done when we come from a space that we know that we do not know. Nobody should or could suggest that this is going to be perfect and that we are going to make mistakes.

After all we have to recognise that this is new territory for everyone and this implies a certain amount of learning ‘on the hoof’.

To this end I am a great believer in looking to nature for example.

Notice the kingfishers approach to catching a fish by the the bank of a river.

• He does not know for sure he is going to catch a fish.
• He trusts his own nature to provide the most successful strategy (outcome)
• He goes still – this works best
• He can observe the river flow, and depth
• He can observe his prey, what size and what speed the fish is moving
• With all of this information he can strike when he believes the time is right.

Kingfisher are noted for their skill in successfully getting results. They look to their own nature which tells them to observe.

Because of this success I believe it is prudent to observe them and the strategies they apply. They may not always get the result but no one can question their ability and skill.

When you examine the above I hope you can see that the wise man has a lot in common with it. He knows that he does not know. This allows him to contemplate (be still) on the situation.

This in turn allows him to totally observe the situation. From this place (perch) he can deliver the wisest of answers. He always starts with knowing that he does not know.

One Comment

  1. Matty O'Leary says:

    More Pseudo-psychology!

    Yes taking a step back and reacting to a situation calmly can save you life, at times. However, this approach can also lead to your demise if used in an untimely or inappropriate manner.
    Sometimes a quick instinctual response is more appropriate.

    We have to face the world and this virus and the liberal virtue signalling of higher intellect, morals and standards falls short.

    If we continue to over react and wrap ourselves up in cotton wool, saying that the economy comes second to vulnerable lives like our elderly or sick.
    However, when the economy becomes the ultimate casualty of the virus, there will be more deaths caused by an unfinanced healthcare system than any virus!

    Think about it, why do so many illegal migrants come from far off sun drenched paradises from around the world to the EU? It is clearly the economy which serves and sustains our jobs, healthcare, social welfare and education.

    If we break our economy, we too will become the migrants again, off to the USA or Great Britain for the same reasons!

    No, a wise man would teach to act appropriately to each given situation differently?

    Kenny Rogers – The Gambler (Official Music Video):
