Roger Harty: The Power Of The Sea

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rsz_roger_hartyTHE Rose of Tralee Festival is now well and truly over and the mind-set is now on ‘Back to school’ and all that that entails.

Many people like this because it involves getting our lives back into a clear routine format.

Human beings can be funny because we spend half our live in-toxing (I’m not sure if that is a word but you know what I mean!) and the other half detoxing.

In my opinion there is no better way for a natural detox of the body than a good brisk walk on the beachfront with the wind blowing in your face. We are truly blessed in Kerry with the abundant supply of beautiful beaches available at our beck and call.

One of my favourites is Banna beach stretching from Barrow over to Ballyheigue with miles and miles of uninterrupted pleasure.

Did you ever notice that if you are tired and weary but pick yourself up and go for a long walk on the beach you come back much more invigorated?

That sounds like a total contradiction but nevertheless I’m sure you will agree – so true. I ask why this is so ?

You see (pun) a good long walk by the sea with a nice fresh breeze in your face stimulates all of our senses. Let’s check this out.

Sight: It is wondrous to allow our eyes to take in the vast never-ending expanse of the sea, to watch the white horses (waves) breaking surrounded by beautiful mountains and a golden beach that stretches on for miles.

Sound: Listen to the crashing of the waves, the birds chirping in the distance and the laughter of children at play.

Touch: Take off your shoes and feel the sand between your toes or better still walk through the puddles or the surf at the edge of the sea and enjoy the feeling of the fresh sea water.

Smell: Enjoy the unique smell that comes from the seaside, it can be the smell of the seaweed or the fresh salty smell of the sea air which is so special and so unique.

Taste: Take home some mussels, clams or prawns and savour the taste of the sea all over again or even better still, try some sea-grass (duillisk)

All of our senses are stimulated all at once which is definitely a source of deep relaxation; add to this the energy that we pick up from the fresh unpolluted air.

I often think how this air has travelled uninterrupted for 5,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean, being filtered and cleansed in the process and I am the first person to sample this air when I am walking along the sea- shore. Now how good is that?

Another great source of stimulation is the free energy that we get from the waves crashing against the sea.

Ask any surfer and they will tell you that their bodies feel totally recharged after a couple of hours being bashed by the waves. That energy is still available to be gathered as we walk along the shore.

When we walk by the sea with gratitude for all that it brings to our lives it results in even more energy being added to the mix. Again we are so lucky to have it on our doorstep.

• Next week I am going to write about –  Everyone is equal

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