Roger Harty: In Doing We Learn

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YES, there are many great pleasures in life, but I always feel a certain deep pleasure in being able to do something new that I initially doubted was within my remit to do.

You see, when we do something new, self-doubt comes as part of the package. In fact, I would go so far as to say it is an innate part of our conditioning as human beings.

There is a great book written on this very subject called ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’.

Self-doubt and fear go hand in hand and the reason goes back to our prehistoric survival instincts. Back in ancient times, wild animals such as lions, sabre-tooth tigers, bears and other ferocious prehistoric animals roamed our forests.

Should man move out of his comfort zone (move into new territory!) he experienced the rewards that come from this effort but also was leaving himself wide open to attack from these wild animals and with it imminent death.

The reality now is that all of these wild animals are no longer a serious threat to our safety and wellbeing, but here is the crux of the matter – that our bodies still react in the very same prehistoric way when we do something new.

It all comes down to the attitude of break the fear and do it anyway. We see this played out every day in the computer world.

From a commercial point of view, modern computers (smart phones, iPads, laptops etc.) have been with us just over 20 years. (Not very long!)

I’m pretty sure and in fact it goes without saying that Apple, Samsung, Google, Microsoft and all these other computer giants have invested billions in improving their technology in order to make their products simple to use. They call it ‘user-friendly’ in the industry.

This is a purely commercial ‘no-brainer’ because the easier the product is to use the more of that product will be sold.

Yet while this is true there are many, many people (particularly the elderly) who are scared out of their wits the minute a computer is put in front of them.

What I am saying is that fear is absolutely normal as for them they are moving way out of their comfort zone.

The answer has to be – Feel the fear and do it anyway.

This is where friendly guidance comes into play. In times of danger (perceived or otherwise!) the one thing we need is a friend to put his arm around us and assure us that all is well.

The beauty begins to arise when we persist with the doing and with this persistence the fear begins to dissipate and reward begins to beckon on the horizon.

Pretty soon, by doing more, emails can be sent, what’s app is second nature, You Tube with all of its music and ‘How to’ videos are only a click of a button away.

Many communities now have embraced the idea of getting the young people of the locality to help their elderly neighbours, by holding teaching classes to embrace modern technology.

It is a win/win situation as it is so important to realise that learning goes both ways and it enhances that feeling of togetherness in a community – Share the pleasure!

As Human Beings – If we are not there for each other then what are we here for? Remember, it is in doing we learn.

Next week I am going to write about – All shall be well

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