Zoe’s World: We Can All Make Our Mark In The World

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Zoe 1HAVE you ever seen that video that begins with an image of the earth and then it slowly zooms further and further back through all the galaxies, until it finishes with us just a tiny speck in a larger star stored away in a different galaxy?

It’s harrowing and oddly enlightening.

If you have ever had one of those days where you feel like a tiny ant on the face of the planet, then this video seems to confirm your greatest fears. Because each one of us is truly just a drop in the ocean. There are so many of us, that it can sometimes be easy to imagine just being able to slip into the darkness and no one would care.

I believe this to be totally untrue.

I believe that each one of us possesses the ability to make an impact on the world. No matter how big or small, we all have the power to do so. We all have the ability to make ourselves memorable.

It can seem quite easy to let ourselves be consumed by the thought of how we are just a tiny fish in a very large pond. But, it all falls on you.

I think that the schooling system can sometimes lead you to believe that just because you are not good at maths or irish or science, that you are never going to achieve in life. Which is completely untrue and unfair, as no matter what your strengths and weaknesses are, it’s on you to do what you can with what you got.

No one is stopping you. You just have to get up every day and make the decision to achieve greatness; and that is what you’re going to do. It’s not going to be easy, as there are a million more people out there trying to achieve the exact same thing, but you can’t let that stop you.

Just think about it this way. You were born just the same as everyone else. It is your drive that can set you apart from the crowd and that gives you the ability to make a mark on the world. Because that’s what all of us  want really isn’t it?

We want to be remembered.

We may aim for different times of remembrance. Some of us may want to be remembered as a famous movie star who broke box office records. Some of us may want to be remembered as a internationally acclaimed journalist. Or some of us may just want to be remembered as kind, or loyal or trustworthy.

It’s all down to us. It’s our choices that define who we are.

I know that we are only part of a tiny section of a eerily vast universe. But who cares? That shouldn’t be able to frighten us out of making our mark on the world, and making ourselves memorable.

Let’s start now.

• Check out Zoe’s website at teentimes.eu and follow her on Twitter here

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