Sponsored: Treatment Options For Thinning Hair At The CHRC

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Mary O’Donnell of the Cosmetic and Hair Restoration Clinic at the Bon Secours on the options for treatment of thinning hair…

Thinning hair is something that affects 70% of men. If this is affecting you and you want to take action, at the CHRC we recommend that you talk with our doctor to identify the cause of your hair loss and our doctor will then discuss our management and treatment options that are most suitable foryou.

If a hair restoration procedure is the best solution for you, there is a huge EU trend now on hair restoration that is minimally invasive.

At the CHRC, we use the only roboticsystem in the country, ARTAS iX, to provide a minimally invasive and precise hair restoration procedure called follicular unit extraction (FUE).

Using FUE we use your own hair follicles from the back and sides of your head which is resistant to hair loss and transplant these hair follicles to the areas you are experiencing your hair thinning.

It is important to point out those results from the hair restoration procedure take time; it is not an overnight fix as your hair grows in cycles. Results will depend on the individual; if your hair grows quickly you are likely to get a faster result, but it can take 4-6 months to start seeing a resultand the hair will continue to grow up to 12-18 months.

To discuss any queries on hair restoration please contact us at CHRC on 086 0786120 to speak with Nicole or one of our team who would be delighted to arrange a hair consultation for you.

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