Zoe’s World: Take A Break From Life’s Anxieties

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Zoe 1LIFE is one big mix of due dates, deadlines and destinations.

Thankfully, I am too young to have to worry about tax returns and mortgage payments; but even if it is as simple as having to make that weekly call to my dad, there is always something to strive towards.

There is hardly ever a moment, when there isn’t something going on. When you don’t have to be somewhere, or you don’t have to call someone.

Even if one of those time periods do occur, we usually make the decision to dive right back into it all. Because no one wants a boring life all the same.

Most people realise that you actually do need to be able to hit a pause button at some point.

You need to be able to breathe and step away from all your deadlines. You need to find your chill zone. Trust me, it’s a lot better than some of the chill pills out there.

If I am being honest, I haven’t had the most stressful year myself; but this has given me even more time to come up with a couple of solutions to beat it.

A couple of these ideas sparked when teachers dared to give the transition years homework. What’s that all about?

Anyway, I know that you may use this chill zone excuse to book that trip to the south of France, and don’t let me stop you. But considering money is still pretty tight with that whole recession thing and all, I think that there a few easier ways to live a little.

At this point, I almost consider the TV as old school, but whenever you do actually switch it on, try to watch something other than the news.

The headlines never tend to be very positive. Switch on some car crash TV and let a couple of brain cells die during your relaxation session. Who needs them anyways?

What I am basically trying to say is that life is full of the stressful stuff. I know that sometimes it can be hard to drag yourself away from it all, but I guarantee that it will be there when you get back.

So, watch that programme, read that novel, book that holiday, eat that cupcake. Do whatever you need to take that break from life.

I have seen far too many people hit that big brick wall of anxiety because they don’t realise that you actually have to take a breather.

And sometimes we are so caught up with wanting to get out into the world that we forget that.

(I obviously totally recommend catching up on all my previous articles, because who doesn’t love a bit of teenage wisdom. Am I right?)

Follow Zoë O’Connor on Twitter on @Zobo2402

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